Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss and Detox

When it comes to eliminating toxins, apple cider vinegar is a diuretic and helps us remove excess liquid from our body. It can also help us speed up our metabolism and promotes fat burning.

When winter holidays come, all the feasts take their toll. Our bodies become overloaded with toxins, we constantly feel bloated and usually gain some weight that we find difficult to get rid of afterwards.

This article describes an easy and healthy way to cleanse your body in just 3 days a week, without making any great sacrifices or feeling hungry, but still receiving the full benefit of the many health properties of apple cider vinegar.

Why should we use apple cider vinegar?

It’s an excellent medicinal food capable of purifying and revitalizing our body thanks to its abundant nutritional value. Apple cider vinegar contains many nutrients like vitamins A and B, essential fatty acids, enzymes and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, iron and silicon.

What are the main benefits to our health?

  • It helps us eliminate toxins thanks to its sulfur content and works directly on the liver, helping to metabolize fat better.
  • It increases our metabolism and removes excess fat, which helps us lose weight.
  • It’s a great diuretic, which helps us remove the excess fluids that make us feel bloated.
  • In times of constipation, it can improve and increase the necessary intestinal flora.

If taken regularly, apple cider vinegar can also help you in the following circumstances:

  • it prevents urinary tract infections, supports our kidneys and cleans our urinary tract clean from acidic urine
  • prevents dry eyes thanks to vitamin A
  • improves our digestive processes because it’s rich in enzymes; it can be also very useful in heaviness, flatulence, heartburn etc.
  • reduces inflammation of the gums in which it’s recommended to swish a bit in your mouth before swallowing it
  • eliminates mucus
  • reduces cholesterol and triglycerides levels, as well as uric acid
  • relieves coughing and sore throat
  • prevents muscle cramps thanks to its minerals
  • improves the condition of our skin and hair
  • reduces the risk of liver and kidney stones.

How can we take advantage of this cure?

Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar half an hour before each meal along with one or two glasses of warm water. If you have heartburn, you can add a pinch of baking soda, because it will balance the pH of the mixture.

It’s essential that the apple cider vinegar is organic and of the highest quality, raw, not pasteurized, following the production method used in ancient times. In this way, we will benefit from all of its properties.

What kind of diet should we follow?

Because we will take apple cider vinegar before each meal, we should definitely follow these suggestions as to what to eat and what not to eat.

Avoid these foods:

  • red meats and sausages
  • dairy products: take vegetable drinks instead, made from rice, oats, almond etc.
  • white flour and pastries: we can consume some breads made from whole wheat flour though
  • fried food
  • sugars: replace them with honey or stevia.
  • table salt: we can use sea salt instead, since it’s much healthier too.

We can eat:

  • for breakfast, a drink made of a vegetable base such as oatmeal or fruit smoothies, with fresh and dried fruit and nuts
  • for lunch, a vegetable dish or salad, as well as gazpacho and the main dish should be an egg and a pear or an apple.

Between the meals, you can eat nuts or some fresh fruit. You can drink cleansing infusions such as green tea, Boldo tea and dandelion tea. We should have in mind that this is only for three days and the results will be worth it.

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