The Best Essential Oil For Reducing Scars

12 Best Essential Oils For Healing Scars

If you are trying to reduce or eliminate a scar naturally, these essential oils can help. Applying these oils either on a daily basis is very beneficial to your skin cells, as well as to your overall health, and will help your skin to become more healthy and resilient.
Although you can choose your carrier oil, Tamanu oil and Rosehip oil are known to be two of the most effective carrier oils for healing the skin.

No matter how old you are, odds are, you’ve probably collected a number of scars over the years. You might have some from acne, cuts, and burns, pregnancy or surgery incisions, and while there is no magical cure-all for making them disappear completely, some essential oils are quite effective for lightening and reducing those scars naturally.
Before you shell out an arm and a leg for pricey creams that likely contain a number of potentially harmful ingredients such as hydroquinone, which has been found to be carcinogenic, visit a physician to discuss expensive laser treatment or endure painful filler injections that you’ll have to have repeated every few months, consider trying essential oils first. You might be surprised at the results – and they come without serious side effects or an exorbitant cost.
Need any of the essential oils mentioned in this article? You can purchase them from our recommended supplier of essential oils, Plant Therapy, here.

1. Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil offers all of the properties of lemon juice, which is renowned for its ability to fade scars. Its high vitamin C content helps to trigger the production of collagen which keeps the skin firm and smooth as well as eliminating impurities and encouraging the formation of new skin cells. As a natural astringent, it tightens the skin to improve its tone. If you’re battling acne scars, lemon oil is a great choice as its antibacterial properties also work to kill bacteria that can cause acne breakouts, helping to prevent future scars as well.
You will need some lemon essential oil which is rather powerful, it’s important to dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut, olive or almond oil before use. You can mix 4 to 5 drops with a quarter teaspoon of the carrier oil and then use a cotton swab to apply it to your scars. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with cool water and patting dry. Repeat daily.

2. Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Carrot seed essential oil is an excellent cure all of the skin and considered among the very best essential oils for healing scars. The benefits of carrot seed essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, disinfectant, detoxifying, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, carminative, depurative, diuretic, emenagogue, stimulant, cytophylactic, tonic, and vermifuge substance. The high level of antioxidants carrot seed essential oil contains can repair quite a bit of damage done to the body’s tissues by free radicals, and prevent them from doing further harm. It protects the skin from wrinkles, the muscles from weakening and the joints from stiffening, among a long list of other health and beauty benefits.
In addition to helping those scars disappear, it helps improve skin tone and elasticity while reducing fine lines and wrinkles too. You’ll often find it included in recipes for conditions like psoriasis and eczema due to its powerful healing effects. You can thank its potent antioxidant compounds which aid the skin in battling free radicals for its outstanding effectiveness.

3. Geranium Essential Oil
Used by the Egyptians for promoting beautiful and radiant skin, geranium oil is now used to treat acne, lower inflammation, lessen anxiety and balance hormones. This fabulous oil is great for the skin, helping to revitalize cells, control sebum production in oily skin, as well as rejuvenating dull skin, giving it a wonderful glow. It contains antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties as well as helping to balance skin tone. It also stimulates the lymphatic system and eliminates toxins. Because it offers cicatrisant compounds, it can help fade those scars and other blemishes on the skin over time. It works by increasing blood circulation right below the skin surfaces to help heal spots caused by cuts, wounds, acne, surgical incisions or irritations. Geranium oil may also be one of the best oils for such diverse dermatological problems as oily or congested skin, eczema, and dermatitis.

4. Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil offers so many benefits, it’s not all that surprising that it’s great for the skin too. It works as an excellent natural remedy for scars, and, as it contains antibacterial and antifungal properties it helps to promote wound healing and preventing scarring from occurring the first place. It encourages the formation of healthy skin cells and is effective against acne, wrinkles, psoriasis and a host of other inflammatory conditions.
Because this oil is so gentle, it can be applied directly to cuts and minor burns, minimizing the risk of them leaving long-term marks.

5. Helichrysum Essential Oil
This oil isn’t as widely known and tends to be rather expensive, but it’s typically quite effective for healing scars. A member of the Asteraceae plant family, it’s native to the Mediterranean region, where it’s been used for its medicinal compounds for thousands of years. Some sources have reported that Helichrysum flowers were even dried and offered to the Greek Gods. Today, it’s rather popular among traditional medicine in Mediterranean nations like Turkey, Spain, Italy and Portugal, although its popularity has begun to spread throughout the rest of the world.
Helichrysum offers strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help prevent aging of the skin and promote the regeneration of damaged skin. It also contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. It’s outstanding for wound healing and is one of the best natural remedies for reducing stretch marks. This is also another great oil for healing acne scars and preventing breakouts, due to its strong antimicrobial and antibiotic properties. It works without drying the skin or causing redness and other unwanted side effects such as those caused by harsh chemical acne treatments or medications.
You can get a bottle of Helichrysum essential oil here. To use this oil for healing, be sure to combine it with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil.

6. Myrrh Essential Oil
You’ve probably at least heard of myrrh, as it was one of the gifts the three wise men were said to have brought to Jesus in the bible, along with frankincense and gold. It was important in biblical times, used both as a spice and natural healing remedy. Today, it’s still commonly used for treating many different ailments, thanks to its two primary active compounds, terpenoids and sesquiterpenes, both of which provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Historically, this essential oil was often used for preventing infections and treating wounds – and it can still be used for this today, helping to heal acne as well as athlete’s foot. It can help maintain healthy skin, soothe cracked skin and even slow the signs of aging in the skin.

7. Rosemary Essential Oil
Part of the mint family, rosemary is one of the most common herbs for cooking, but it also offers many healing benefits. Considered sacred by ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, it’s not only been found to support brain function and healing of neurological tissue, but it’s become a popular ingredient in many personal care products due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Rosemary is especially remarkable for its high level of antioxidants, which are said to equal that of the very acclaimed goji berries, primarily due to the chemical compound carnosol. In addition to being a potent antioxidant, it’s widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Rosemary is especially effective for battling an array of skin problems, including acne, eczema and dermatitis, and other skin conditions that can lead to scarring.
Simply blend the Rosemary essential oil with coconut oil and massage over the marks regularly until they have faded.

8. Frankincense
As mentioned previously, frankincense is believed to be one of the gifts offered by the three wise men to the newborn Jesus. It comes from the Boswellia tree, derived from the milky white sap of its bark. Traditionally burned as incense as well as being charred and ground into a powder to create kohl eyeliner used by Egyptian women, today it’s most commonly steam-distilled to produce an essential oil with many benefits.
The oil is known for aiding healthy cell regeneration and helping to keep existing tissues and cells healthy. It’s very effective for supporting skin health – not only can it help reverse the signs of aging and treat dry skin, it can lessen the appearance of scars and stretch marks as well as speed the healing of acne and wounds. In addition to scar healing Frankincense is known to improve skin tone, smooth and soften wrinkles and balance sebum levels. Frankincense also promotes the growth of new skin cells which grow over scar tissue to eventually smooth the skin.
Be sure to mix this oil with a carrier oil or lotion before you apply to skin.

9. Neroli Essential Oil
This botanical oil requires about 1,000 pounds of handpicked flowers to be produced. It has a wonderful fragrance of citrus and floral aromas, along with astringent and antibacterial properties that make it an excellent remedy for lightening scars as well as for acne. It helps to build new skin cells while improving skin elasticity, and when used regularly, it can reduce the appearance of stretch marks as well as heal broken capillaries under the skin.
Neroli essential oil is one of the best oils to add to your regular beauty routine as it also helps the skin maintain a proper oil balance. Any type of skin condition related to stress typically responds well, due to its excellent overall calming and healing abilities. Bacterial skin issues and rashes can be treated too, due to its antimicrobial abilities.

10. Sandalwood Essential Oil
The essential oil of sandalwood is extracted through steam distillation of pieces of wood from Sandalwood trees that are 40 to 80 years old, though 80 years is preferred as the older the tree, the more oil is available, and the aroma is stronger as well. Its healing benefits are attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrisant, diuretic, disinfectant, emollient and expectorant properties, among others.
By stimulating olfactory receptor cells in the skin, this oil promotes cell regeneration and wound healing. It also encourages cell proliferation that helps replace scarred skin cells with new ones. As sandalwood is a mild astringent, that means it can induce minor contractions in soft tissues like the gums and skin, which is why you’ll see it among the primary ingredients of many facial toners and aftershave products, as it helps to soothe, tighten and cleanse the skin.
Sandalwood essential oil is an excellent antiviral agent, and has been found to decrease inflammation from mild skin irritation like pimples, superficial wounds, and warts, while its anti-inflammatory compounds can even provide relief from mild inflammation that occurs with insect bites and other skin conditions.

11. Calendula Essential Oil
Calendula is distilled from the flower tops of marigold flowers and has become popular in many natural beauty and health products, used in nearly 200 different shampoos, lotions, and other items. It’s been shown to possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its high level of flavonoids, plant-based antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage as well as anti-inflammatory linoleic acid, making it an outstanding remedy for many inflammatory conditions, including dermatitis and diaper rash. It’s also among one of the best essential oils for scars. By applying it to superficial wounds, it will help speed healing and prevent scarring in addition to reducing scarring by preventing free radical damage.
In fact, in research conducted out of Kerala, India in 2009 focused on slow healing wounds, it was revealed that using topical ointments and gels with calendula could help accelerate healing, with 90 percent of wounds closed within eight days, as compared to just 51 percent in those who did not receive this treatment. Calendula oil also helps to improve hydration and skin firmness, increasing blood flow and oxygen to wounds, while helping the body to grow new tissue.
As with most essential oils it is necessary to blend Calendula oil with a carrier oil before using directly onto skin.

12. Tea Tree oil
Tea tree oil, which comes from an Australian plant, is a true super essential oil. Also known as melaleuca, it’s been widely used in the country for at least a century, and has been documented in countless studies to fight a wide variety of viruses, fungi and bacteria strains. One of its most common uses today is in skin care products as it’s one of the best natural remedies available for treating acne and acne scarring, yet it doesn’t come with the negative side effects that are experienced with other cures such as red or peeling skin.
The oil has the potential to heal psoriasis, eczema and even dry skin in addition to naturally healing scars. Simply mix your tea tree essential oil with a carrier oil before use.

Chances are, you have a scar somewhere on your body. Whether it’s large or small, raised or smooth, new or old, we all have, at some point in our lives, made a split second decision or were involved in some kind of incident that left a mark.
Perhaps you took a spill off of your bike. Maybe you were running and your feet went one way and your body went the other. Maybe your hand slipped, just as you were pounding that last nail. Maybe you had a medical procedure that left a permanent and visible blemish. Maybe you had a baby. Whatever the reason, scars are not always the most welcomed guests at the dinner party.
Some scars are hidden and do not attract much attention, while others are very prominent and seem to be like conversation starters whenever someone happens to notice them. Every scar tells a tale; it’s up to you whether or not it will be able to tell it. If your scar takes center stage, no matter how you try to hide it, and if you are ready to take steps to reduce its appearance naturally, then read on.
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to reduce or fade the appearance of unwanted scars or blemishes on the body and to help regenerate skin cells and tissue which can layer over the uneven and damaged scar tissue and create a new and healthy overall appearance. Although these marks cannot be erased or removed completely, when used daily, essential oils can push your scar to the background, leaving you free to continue telling that story or joke without any distractions.

Essential Oils have many different properties in them, depending upon the variety. If you are trying to reduce the appearance of a scar, whether it is old or new, there are certain oils that have highly beneficial antibacterial and antioxidant properties, all which work together to clean, revive, and heal the skin.

Essential oils are well known for their cicatrisant properties. This means that they have the ability to help regenerate the skin at a cellular level, aiding in tissue regrowth. And what does this mean for you? It means that your body will be able to heal itself, slowly regrowing a new group of cells to compensate and replace the old ones that are scarred or blemished in some way.

Essential oils that may reduce the appearance of scars

1. Rosehip seed oil
Rosehip seed oil may be used to improve the condition of your skin, and treat scars, wrinkles, and acne. Researchers in a 2015 study found that rosehip seed oil improved the appearance of post-surgical scars. Participants who used the oil twice daily for 12 weeks experienced significantly less discoloration, atrophy, and redness.
You may start to see results after six weeks of use. It’s possible for rosehip oil to cause irritation or an allergic reaction. Do not use if you have diabetes, kidney stones, or anemia.
Rosehip seed oil is relatively inexpensive and can be purchased online.

2. Vitamin E oil
Vitamin E oil may prevent scarring by helping your skin to retain moisture while boosting collagen production. It also helps to protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. Research demonstrating the effectiveness of vitamin E oil in treating scars has been mixed. A few studies have shown it to significantly improve the cosmetic appearance of scars. Additional research is needed.
You may start to notice results after a few weeks of use, but you can continue to use vitamin E for a few months. Vitamin E may cause an allergic reaction, rash, or itchiness. Vitamin E oil is an affordable option that’s available online.

3. Helichrysum essential oil
Helichrysum essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that may be useful in healing skin.
Helichrysum oil contains an anti-inflammatory substance called arzanol, which plays a part in healing wounds. It also has antioxidant properties that can help to prevent scarring by regenerating new cells and preventing the accumulation of free radicals. This oil is also said to relieve skin rashes and infections, and increase collagen production.
You may begin to see results within a few months of consistent daily use. Helichrysum oil may cause sun sensitivity. Don’t use this oil if you’ve had a recent surgery or are at risk for internal hemorrhages.
Helichrysum may be more expensive than some of the other options, so you may want to start with a smaller jar to see if you like the oil before buying it in larger quantities. You can purchase it online or at your local natural foods store.

4. Frankincense oil
Frankincense oil helps to soothe skin, even out skin tone, and kill bacteria, which makes it useful for treating scars. Frankincense oil may promote the growth of new skin cells, tighten the skin, and reduce the appearance of scars. Also, the active component, boswellic acid, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits.
You may start to see results after a month of using frankincense oil. This oil may cause skin irritation and abdominal issues. Do not use frankincense oil if you take blood thinners. Frankincense is a mid-range essential oil and may be purchased online.

5. Geranium oil
Geranium oil is useful in treating scars by relieving inflammation, evening out skin tone, and encouraging new cell growth. Its antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial wound-healing properties may help scars to be less visible. Research from 2013 found that rose geranium oil is effective in preventing and treating inflammatory skin conditions.
It may take at least a month to see results with geranium oil. Use geranium oil with caution if you have high blood pressure or a risk of cardiovascular diseases. Geranium oil is inexpensive and may be purchased online.

6. Lavender oil
Lavender oil may help to prevent scarring by promoting cell and tissue growth. It hasantibiotic, antioxidant, and antiseptic properties. According to a 2016 study, lavender oil demonstrates wound-healing activity and shows potential for use as a natural treatment to help repair damaged skin tissues.
Another 2016 study found that lavender oil promotes wound healing by increasing collagen and regenerating tissue, especially in the early phase of treatment. Topical application of lavender oil helped to speed up wound closure and promoted wound shrinking.
You may see results in as little as one week. Lavender is especially useful in the beginning phase of scar treatment. It has the potential to irritate the skin and cause allergic skin reactions. Lavender is a mid-range essential oil that is available online.

7. Carrot seed oil
Carrot seed oil has been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal activities which could be useful in treating scars. This oil may be especially useful in treating older scars.
It may take up to a month before you see results from using carrot seed oil. This oil has the potential to increase sun sensitivity and cause contact dermatitis.
Carrot seed oil is inexpensive and may be purchased online.

8. Cedar wood oil
The rejuvenating effect of cedar wood oil shows potential in treating skin conditions including scars. It has been shown to reduce inflammation and has a pain-relieving effect. Cedar wood oil is also useful in treating acne. More research is needed to confirm and expand upon these findings.
You may start to see results after a month of consistent use. Cedar wood has the potential to cause allergic reactions.
Cedar wood oil is an affordable option and is available for purchase online.

9. Hyssop oil
Hyssop essential oil has antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that aid in repairing damaged skin. Hyssop oil has been shown to have antimicrobial activity. It may help heal wounds, prevent infections, and reduce the visibility of wrinkles and acne scars.
Research from 2011 suggests that the antioxidant activity of hyssop oil shows potential for medicinal use. Further research is needed to expand upon these findings and find out exactly how hyssop can help to treat scars.
Use hyssop oil consistently for a few months to see results. Do not use hyssop oil if you have epilepsy or hypertension. It should not be used in high doses.
Hyssop is a mid-range essential oil that you can buy online.

10. Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains fatty acids and micronutrients that may help to reverse skin damage. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help to prevent and heal skin conditions. Coconut oil may also increase collagen production, help the skin to retain moisture, and soften the skin. Research from 2010 found that topical application of coconut oil on wounds in rats had a positive effect on the healing process. This was due in part to its antioxidant activity and effect on collagen production. More research is needed on the topical application of coconut oil in humans.
You may notice results after as little as 10 days of consistent use. Coconut oil has the potential to irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction. It’s an affordable option that’s available online.

11. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has enormous healing potential due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal effects. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of tea tree oil may accelerate the wound-healing process. It also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and can boost immunity, which is helpful when you’re caring for wounds and scars.
Research from 2015 indicates that tea tree is a promising option to topically treat inflammatory disorders and heal wounds.
It may take up to a month of consistent use before you see results using tea tree oil. Use tea tree oil with caution if you have any allergies or autoimmune conditions. It has the potential to cause an allergic reaction. Tea tree oil may not be appropriate for use in children.
Tea tree oil is relatively inexpensive and is available for purchase online.

12. Almond oil
Almond oil has numerous benefits to the skin and may help to reduce the appearance of scars. Almond oil contains vitamin E, which helps hydrate, soothe, and moisturize dry or damaged skin. There’s some evidence that almond oil can rejuvenate the skin, improve complexion, and even out skin tone. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help skin to heal. More research is needed to understand its potential in healing scars.
You may start to see results after a month of using almond oil. Do not use almond oil if you have diabetes. Avoid use for two weeks before any scheduled surgery.
Almond oil is an affordable option that’s available online.

13. Neroli oil
Neroli oil is used for a variety of skincare conditions and can be useful in treating scars. Neroli oil has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation. Its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties make it a powerful healer. It also has antifungal properties. More research is needed to discover how neroli oil can be used to treat skin conditions and scars.
You may see results after a month of consistent use of neroli oil. It has the potential to cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Neroli oil is one of the more expensive essential oils and can be purchased online.

Summary of the different essential oils

Essential oil Length of use to start seeing results Additional benefits

  • Rosehip seed oil 6 weeks may improve wrinkles and acne
  • Vitamin E oil 3 or more weeks may boost collagen production
  • Helichrysum essential oil 3 or more months anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties
  • Frankincense oil 1 month may improve skin tone and kill bacteria
  • Geranium oil 1 or more months antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Lavender oil 1 week antibiotic, antioxidant, and antiseptic properties
  • Carrot seed oil 1 month antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Cedar wood oil 1 month anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties; may treat acne
  • Hyssop oil 3 or more months may help heal wounds, prevent infections, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and acne scars
  • Coconut oil 10 days may soften the skin and reduce inflammation
  • Tea tree oil 1 month antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties
  • Almond oil 1 month contains vitamin E; may soothe and moisturize skin
  • Neroli oil 1 month may reduce pain and inflammation

How to use essential oils
Essential oils should be applied topically to the affected area. Never ingest any essential oil.
Usually essential oils are diluted in oils called carrier oils since they can irritate your skin if used in an undiluted state. You can test a few carrier oils to see which ones work best for your skin and which scent you prefer. Some carrier oils you may use are:
• grapeseed oil
• avocado oil
• sweet almond oil
• olive oil
• apricot kernel oil
• jojoba oil
• hazelnut oil
Do not use oils on an open wound, burn, or skin that is extremely sensitive. Inflamed skin is more likely to react to the oils. Serious wounds may require medical attention. In this case, you should see your doctor to see if another treatment is necessary.
To use essential oils:
• Dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil into a carrier oil. You can use fewer drops of essential oil for sensitive skin.
• Apply this mixture to the affected area several times per day.
• You don’t need to wash off the oil. Bathe how you normally would, following your regular schedule.
• You’ll yield best results if you constantly apply the oils for at least a few months.
• It may take up to a year for a scar to completely heal.


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