How to Get Rid of Kidney Infections Naturally

Kidneys are the two bean-shaped organs that are found in all the vertebrates. These are located at the back of the abdominal cavity, below the rib cage. One kidney is located on the right side of the spine and another kidney is located on the left side of the spine.

The kidneys are the important organs of our body. Each kidney contains millions of filtering units that are known as nephrons. They work as efficient filters and help to keep the composition of the blood stable, which in turn helps the body function properly. The kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood daily and produce 1 to 2 quarts of urine, which mainly contains extra fluid and waste material.

Kidney infection can happen to anybody but women are more prone to this in comparison to men as women have shorter urethra which makes the bacteria reach the kidneys easily. Also, younger women and children are more vulnerable to kidney infections.

What is Kidney Infection
A healthy pair of kidneys leads to a healthy body as kidneys play an important role in the functioning of the human body. But sometimes kidneys get affected with some kind of infection, which impacts the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Kidney infection, which is medically termed as pyelonephritis, starts in the urinary tract and then through the urethra it enters into the kidneys. Urinary tract infection (UTI) leads to kidney infection most of the times. It causes unbearable pain and if not treated early may cause serious health concerns like kidney scarring, blood poisoning and pregnancy complications.

Causes of Kidney Infection
There are various causes due to which a person may suffer from kidney infections.

Due to blockage in the urinary tract: If your urinary tracts are blocked due to some factors like the kidney stone or an enlarged prostate gland in men or some abnormality in the structure of your urinary tract,  then it will slow down the urine flow. Your bladder will not be emptied easily and completely when you urinate, which will ultimately lead to kidney infections.

Due to certain medical conditions: If the person is suffering from certain medical conditions like diabetes and HIV, then he or she is more prone to kidney infections.

If the nerves around the bladder are damaged: If the nerves around your bladder or spinal cord are damaged then you will not be able to know when you get affected with UTI, which in turn may cause the kidney infection.

Due to the use of the catheter for a longer period of time: If you are using a catheter for a longer period of time due to certain medical conditions, then you are more prone to kidney infections.

If you are suffering from vesicoureteral reflux:  In this condition, urine flows backwards from the bladder into the kidneys, thus cause kidney infections.

Kidney Infection Symptoms
Now, it is very important to know the various symptoms of kidney infections so that it will be easier for you to detect as well as treat it at the earlier stage.

  • If you see blood or pus while you pee
  • If you get fever or chills regularly
  • Decreased appetite
  • If you experience pain in your groin, lower back and side
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Urge to pee frequently
  • Burning sensation while peeing
  • Smelly and cloudy urine
  • If you continuously suffer from stomach upset
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling tired easily

If you are experiencing the symptoms that are mentioned above then it is indicating that you may have a kidney infection. At this stage it is very important to confirm whether you have the kidney infection or not and to confirm it, you need to give a urine sample to test.  Else you may give a blood sample for culture. There are some other ways, such as ultrasound, CT scan and X-ray, which can confirm it.

How To Get Rid of Kidney Infections Naturally
Once it is confirmed that you are suffering from kidney infection then it is extremely important to treat it as early as possible. There are various natural remedies for a kidney infection that are not only cost-effective but also work without any side effects and the most important thing is that you can try these kidney infection remedies at the comfort of your home. You can go for these remedies if your kidney infection is in its earlier stage.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Consumption of apple cider vinegar helps to keep the balance of the pH level in the body, thus checks the proliferation of bacteria in the body. Its antibacterial property also kills the bacteria that cause and spread infection in the kidneys.

Things You Need:

Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 tsp
Water – 1 glass
Honey – 1 tsp


Take 1 glass of water.
Add 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of honey to it.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then drink.
Taking this apple cider vinegar drink twice a day will help you to combat kidney infection effectively in few weeks.

2. Garlic
Garlic is a storehouse of antibiotic properties which makes it an effective home remedy for the kidney infection. Its diuretic properties also help your kidneys flush out the harmful toxins and microorganisms from your body easily, this will help treat kidney infection effectively.

Things You Need:

Garlic Cloves – 3
Water – 1 glass


Chop the garlic cloves into very small pieces and consume them on an empty stomach early in the morning.
Drink a glass of water after it.
Take this home remedy regularly till you completely get rid of kidney infection.

3. Celery Seed Tea
Celery seed is a good source of antibacterial and antifungal properties, which helps to kill the harmful bacteria that cause kidney infections. Also, its consumption fastens the process of elimination of the waste material from the kidney, thus protects the kidneys from infection.

Things You Need:

Celery Seeds Powder– 1 tbsp
Hot Water – 1 glass

Take a glass of hot water and mix the celery seed powder in it thoroughly.
Leave it for few minutes to cool down.
Strain it and drink.
Consume this celery seed drink once daily for 3 weeks to get effective results against kidney infection.

4. Marshmallow Root
The diuretic properties of marshmallow root help to flush out the toxins from the kidney easily thus keep the infections at bay. It is also a good source of antioxidant properties that protect the urinary tract from free radical damage. It fights back the unfriendly bacteria that cause the kidney infection.

Things You Need:

Marshmallow Root Powder – 1 tbsp
Hot Water – 1 cup

Take a cup of hot water and add the marshmallow root powder to it and mix thoroughly.
Leave it for few minutes and then strain it.
Drink this marshmallow solution once per day till you totally get rid of kidney infection.
Note: Pregnant and breastfeeding women should refrain from using marshmallow home remedy for the kidney infection.

5. Apples
It is rightly said that take an apple a day to keep doctors away. Apple contains a lot of fiber and nutrients which boost the immunity power of your body and makes you strong enough to fight kidney infections easily. Its acidic content helps to maintain the acidity level in the urine and prevent the growth of infection-causing bacteria. Its anti-inflammatory properties subside the pain that is caused due to kidney infections.

Things You Need:

Organic Apples – 3
Apple Juice – 1 glass
Applesauce – 1 tbsp

Take the apples as snacks throughout the day.
Take a glass of apple juice in the morning
Add applesauce to your dishes.
Follow this process 3 to 4 weeks to get rid of kidney infections totally.

6. Baking Soda
Baking soda is another effective ingredient, which you can use, to treat kidney infection naturally.

Things You Need:

Baking Soda – 1 tbsp
Water – 8 ounces

Take the water and mix the baking soda in it thoroughly.
Drinking this baking soda mixture daily once for 3 to 4 weeks will help you to treat kidney infection effectively.

7. Parsley Juice
Other than offering an appetizing look to your food, parsley can also be used to combat kidney infection at home. It is a powerhouse of nutrients as well as work as a diuretic. So its consumption makes your immune system strong enough to fight the infection-causing bacteria as well as help to flush out the toxins, bacteria and waste material from your body, thus will protect your kidneys from getting infected easily.

Things You Need:

Fresh Parsley Leaves – A handful
Water – 1 cup

Crush the parsley leaves and keep aside.
Bring the water to a boil and then off the flame.
Add the crushed parsley leaves to it and cove with a lid.
Leave for 5 minutes to steep.
Strain the solution and wait till it becomes cool
Drink this parsley solution 2 times daily till you completely get rid of kidney infection.

8. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin c and acetic acid. The consumption of lemon juice can be effective in treating kidney infections by clearing the kidney stones as well as toxins from the kidneys.

Things You Need:

Lemon – 1
Water – 1 cup

Cut the lemon and squeeze it into 1 cup of water.
Mix it well and then drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Take this lemon drink once daily till you treat kidney infections completely.

9. Olive Oil
The consumption of olive oil balances the acidity level in the kidneys and helps to flush out the toxins, thus protect the kidney from getting infected.

Things You Need:

Olive Oil – 1 tbsp
Lemon Juice – 1 tsp
Water – 8 ounces

Take the water in a glass and add the olive oil as well as the lemon juice to it.
Mix well and take the drink.
Take this olive oil and lemon juice solution daily once to combat kidney infection naturally.

10. Watermelon Seeds Tea
Watermelon seeds act as a good diuretic, so its use is very helpful to treat kidney infection. It helps to flush out the toxins as well as the waste material from the kidney that cause infection. Also, its use makes the kidneys more active. Watermelon seeds also help to alleviate the pain associated with kidney infections.
Things You Need:

Ground Watermelon Seeds – 1 tsp
Water – 2 cups

Boil the water on medium flame and then keep aside.
In a pan take the ground watermelon seeds. Pour the boiled water on it.
Leave it for few minutes so that the ground watermelon seeds can steep properly.
When it cools down, strain it into a cup.
Enjoy this watermelon seeds tea once per day to treat kidney infections at home.

11. Corn Silk
Corn silk has antibacterial properties and works as a good diuretic. So its use can definitely help to treat kidney infection and the related pain.

Things You Need

Dried Corn Silk – 1 tbsp
Boiling water – 2 cups

In a pan take the dried corn silk and pour the boiling water on it.
Cover it with a lid and leave for 5 minutes to steep properly.
Strain the liquid and drink it when it is lukewarm.
Drinking this corn silk tea 2 cups a day for few weeks can give you fruitful results against kidney infection.

12. Plantain Tea
We can very well say that plantain is a storehouse of medicinal properties and can be a very good home remedy for kidney infections. It is a rich source of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and laxative properties. It also has mild diuretic properties.

Things You Need:

Dried or Fresh Plantain (leaves or root)– 1 tbsp
Boiling Water – 1 cup
Honey – 1 tsp

Take the plantain in a teapot and pour boiling water on it.
Cover it with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.
Strain it and mix honey in it thoroughly.
Drink this plantain tea 4 to 5 times daily to get rid of kidney infection fast.

13. Dandelion Leaf Tea
Dandelion leaf works as a good diuretic. Its consumption can make you urinate frequently to flush out the bacteria as well as the toxins from your kidneys that cause infection.

Things You Need:

Dried Dandelion Leaves – 1 tbsp
Hot Water – 1 cup

Take dried dandelion leaves in a cup and pour hot water on it.
Cover it with a lid and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes.
Strain it and then consume this tea.
Take dandelion tea 2 to 3 times a day to treat as well as prevent kidney infection.

14. Basil
Basil works as a detoxifier as well as a diuretic. It can be mixed with honey to treat kidney infection effectively.

Things You Need:

Basil Juice – 1 tbsp
Honey – 1

Mix well both the basil juice and honey.
Take this mixture to get rid of kidney stones.
Repeat this home remedy one time daily for four months to get effective results.

15. Sage and Peppermint
Sage has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also offers a relaxing effect to the muscles. It also helps to cleanse the kidneys of the impurities and toxins. Peppermint has also anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. So the use of both these ingredients can treat kidney infections as well as give relief from its pain.

Things You Need:

Peppermint Leaves – 1 tsp
Sage Leaves – 1 tsp
Hot Water – 2 cups

Take both the peppermint as well as sage leaves in a teapot.
Pour the hot water on the leaves.
Cover it with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.
Strain it and drink it lukewarm.
Take this home remedy for kidney infection daily 2 times for 3 months to get fruitful results.

16. Nettle Leaf Tea
Nettle leaf is another natural ingredient that can be used to treat kidney infection. It has diuretic properties, so its use can cleanse the urinary tract as well as the kidneys of the toxins and waste material. It helps to treat and prevent the reoccurrence of kidney infection.

Things You Need:

Dried Nettle Leaves – 2 tsp
Hot Water – 1 cup

Take the nettle leaves in a teapot and pour the hot water on it.
Cover it with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
Strain it and then drink the nettle tea.
Use this home remedy 2 times a day to treat kidney stones naturally.

17. Bearberry Leaves
Bearberry leaf which has been used traditionally to treat urine and bladder infection can also be used to treat kidney infection. It treats the kidney infection effectively by killing the E-coli bacteria that causes infection in the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder.

 Things You Need:

Dried Bearberry Leaves – 1 tbsp
Water – 2 cups

Take the water in a pan and add the bearberry leaves to it.
Boil it for 15 to 20 minutes or till the water becomes half.
Off the flame and then strain the tea.
Drink this tea when it is lukewarm.
Taking this bearberry tea twice daily can help you to treat kidney infection without going to the doctor.
Note: Breastfeeding and pregnant women should refrain from using this home remedy for the kidney infection.

18. Willow Bark
As willow bark is best known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties, it can be used to treat kidney infection naturally.

Things You Need:

Dried Willow Bark – 2 tsp
Water – 8 oz

Boil the willow bark in water for 10 to 15 minutes.
Leave it for 30 minutes to steep properly.
Strain it and drink the solution.
Take this solution 2 to 3 times a day till you completely get rid of kidney infection.

19. Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate has the good amount of astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Its use can treat infection in the kidneys as well as alleviate the associated pain.

Things You Need:

Pomegranate – 1
Water  – ½ cup
Lemon Juice – 1 tsp

Cut the pomegranate and take out the seeds.
Using a food processor, make pomegranate juice.
Strain it to take the juice and mix the lemon juice to it.
Mix the water in it and drink.
Taking this juice one time daily can help you to get rid of kidney infection easily.

20. Cranberry Juice
The acidic nature of cranberry juice fights back the infection-causing bacteria in the kidneys. It prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the bladder wall, thus keeps the infection at bay.

Things You Need:

Fresh or Frozen Cranberry – 1 pound
Water – 1 quart
Honey – 1 tsp

In a saucepan take the cranberries and add water to it.
Boil it for few minutes till the cranberries become soft.
When it becomes cool, strain it.
Mix honey in the liquid and then drink.
Take 1 cup of this cranberry drink daily until your kidney infection is treated completely.
Note: Do not consume cranberry juice in huge quantity and also for a longer period of time as it may cause side effects.

21. Aloe Vera Juice
The wonder plant aloe vera is well known for its medicinal properties. It can be used to treat kidney stones too. It is a good source of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and wound-healing properties. It is also anti-fungal in nature. It has the capacity to kill E-coli bacteria that harms and infects the kidneys.

Things You Need:

Aloe Vera Leaf – 1
Water – 1 cup
Lemon Juice – ½ tsp
Honey – ½ tsp

Peel the aloe vera leaf with the help of a knife and scoop out the fleshy pulp with the help of a spoon.
Mix honey, aloe vera gel and lemon juice together.
Add water to the mixture and mix well.
Consume this aloe vera juice twice daily to treat kidney infection at home.

22. Cream Of Tartar
Cream of tartar helps to make a balance of the pH level in the urine, thus can treat kidney infection properly. It also works as an antibiotic for the kidney infection. Its use gives you relief from the pain caused due to infections in the kidneys.

Things You Need:

Cream of Tartar – 1 ½ tsp
Lemon Juice – 1 tsp
Warm Water – ½ cup

Mix the cream of tartar, water and lime juice together.
Consume this mixture.
Take this natural remedy 2 times daily to get rid of kidney infection.

23. Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil
We read about the usability of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil to treat kidney infection. So when we combine all these three wonder ingredients, then it will make a very effective home remedy for the kidney infection.

Things You Need:

Olive Oil – 2 oz
Lemon Juice – 2 oz
Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tsp
Water – 1 cup

Take 1 cup of water and add olive oil, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to it.
Mix all the ingredients well and drink the mixture.
Take this remedy 2 times daily to treat kidney infection naturally.

24. Yogurt
Yogurt is a rich source of antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It also contains a lot of probiotics which makes it a potent ingredient to cure kidney infections. Also, its regular consumption increases your immunity power, thus helps your body to fight back the bacteria that infect your kidneys.

Consuming 2 to 3 bowls of yogurt every day may help you to give relief from kidney infections. It will prevent the reoccurrence of kidney infection if you take yogurt daily.

25. Consume Vitamin C Enriched Food
Vitamin C is one such nutrient that helps to treat as well prevents kidney infections to a great extent by increasing your immunity power. Also, its acidic nature destroys the bacteria that cause infections in the kidneys.

Include food that is rich in vitamin C, such as grapefruits, oranges, tomatoes, berries, kiwi, peppers, strawberries, sprouts, etc., in your daily diet.

26. Increase Your Fluid Intake
One of the most effective and easy ways to combat kidney infection is to increase the amount of fluid you take every day. More fluid intake means more flushing out of the infection-causing bacteria, toxins and waste material from your body.

If you are suffering from the kidney infection, it is mandatory for you to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Also, you need to include coconut water or lemon water in your daily fluid intake routine. You can also take vegetable juice and fruit juice to combat kidney infection.

27. Hot Water Compress
The use of hot water compress can give you relief from the pain that is caused due to the kidney infection. Its use relaxes the abdominal muscle and lessens the pain.

Take a heating pad and place it on the area that is paining and hold for few minutes. Repeat this process till you get relief from the pain.

How To Prevent Kidney Infection
Kidney infection is not a life-threatening illness and can be treated with home remedies when it is in its earlier stage. But the most important thing here is that it will be wiser if we can protect our kidneys from infections. So to prevent kidney infection, it needs to keep your kidneys healthy and for it, we should follow certain things. Let’s know about them!

  • It is important to keep yourself clean and maintain a daily personal hygiene routine to prevent kidney infection in the first place. Clean your genitals after every time you go to the toilet. While using the toilet paper wipe it from front to back rather than back to front.
  • Do not hold back your pee. Use the toilet as soon as you feel the urge to pee and empty the bladder completely.
  • Always urinate after having sex. It will decrease your chances of kidney infection.
  • Do not eat the foods that are rich in potassium and phosphorus.
  • To keep your kidney healthy, cook your food in olive oil or extra virgin olive oil.
  • Refrain from using unlubricated condoms, diaphragms and spermicidal lubes as they increase the chances of kidney infections.
  • If you are overweight, then it is advisable to shed few kilos as obese people are more prone to the kidney infection.
  • Avoid the use of pain killers like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc., as they impact heavily the kidneys which in the later stage may lead to kidney infection.
  • Do not smoke if you want to keep your kidneys healthy. Smoking adversely affects the health of your kidneys.
  • Do not wear tight-fitting clothes and synthetic undergarments as it obstructs proper air movement and causes sweating, which makes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Do not go for a bubble bath with perfumes and chemical additives.

You can very well go for these home remedies to get rid of kidney infections if it is in its earlier stage. But if after using the home remedies, if the symptoms do not subside or if you are getting the infection recurrently, then it is time to see a doctor. Your doctor may check to find out the actual reason for your kidney infection and prescribe proper medication.


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