How to Put Coconut Oil to the Hair and Stop Premature Hair Graying, Thinning, and Falling

With certainty, coconut oil is one of the healthiest ingredients in the whole world because it has the power to improve the overall health and well-being. It is beneficial for the hair, skin, nails and this is why it is frequently added to store-bought and homemade body creams, beauty products, and sunscreens.

Why Is Coconut Oil the Ultimate Hair Care Product?

Prevents hair damage

This oil can lower the loss of protein and better the quality of the hair. Just apply some onto the hair ends and regularly trim them every 6 weeks.

Averts hair loss

Coconut oil contains health fats that are pivotal for the scalp and shaft and can reduce inflammation and successfully heal scalp infections. Just mix 2 tbsp of sage oil and 3 tbsp of coconut oil and warm the content and then apply it onto the hair before bed. Put on a shower cap and sleep with it. The next morning, remove the cap and rinse the hair as usually.

Stop hair graying

The pigment cells which give the hair color are known to die over time and become less effective. You need to massage the hair with a mixture of coconut oil and fresh lemon juice on a daily basis. This will nourish the scalp and keep the base of the hair follicles safe, and thus, prevent the occurrence of gray hairs.

Soften the hair

If you have a dry hair, you should know that coconut oil will restore its shine and softness by keeping the moisture within the hair shaft. Just apply some coconut oil onto the hair 10 minutes before you wash the hair.

Fight off dandruff

This problem can be a consequence of dry skin, fungus, etc. and it is characterized by flaking on the scalp’s skin. To solve this issue, mix equal amounts of castor and coconut oil and use the content to massage the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse the hair. Repeat this method before every hair wash for optimal effect.

Destroys lice

This oil will destroy all lice by coating them and slowly suffocating them. It prevents lice or their eggs from hanging onto the hairs. Apply quality coconut oil onto the whole hair and put on a shower cap. Keep it like that for a couple of days and then rinse off the hair and comb it with a lice comb. Repeat the procedure until all lice are gone.


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