One Hair Oil That Will Regrow All Your Lost Hair

The below natural hair packs and oil will add moisture and shine to your hair, they will nourish the scalp helping to reduce dry, flaky skin,  they will help to get rid of dandruff, and they will aid faster and healthier hair growth – all without the use of expensive cosmetics or dangerous chemicals!

Step 1 – Hair pack
You will need
3 spoon aloe vera gel
2 spoon castor oil
1 spoon cinnamon powder

1. In a  clean bowl mix all of them and your hair pack is ready
2. Apply this pack on your scalp and hair. Leave it for 1 hour
3. Wash your hair with plain water

Pack 2
4 spoon curd
2 spoon fenugreek seeds
2 spoon coconut oil

1. In curd add fenugreek seeds
2. Leave it for 3 hours and then grind
3. After 3 hours add coconut oil in this and your pack is ready to use
4. Apply this pack on your scalp and hair. Massage it well
5. Leave it for 1 hour and then wash them with normal water
Note – Use any of these pack 2 times in a week

Step 2 – Hair oil
You will need
2 onion chopped
1 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup castor oil

1. In a pan add coconut oil
2. Put it on flame
3. Add onion an dcook until onion turns into dark brown
4. Turn off the flame
5. Filter this oil, now add castor oil into this and let it cool
6. Your magical hair oil is ready to use
7. Use this as regular hair oil

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