How to Get Rid of Pimples and Prevent Acne Naturally

Acne is a skin condition that can affect both men and women. While acne, also known as blemishes, blackheads, pimples, pimples or cysts, is more common during puberty and adolescence, if you are thinking that you have passed as a teenager and can now expect a life without pimples, think again. Acne can, in fact, affect people of all age groups. Blame hormonal fluctuations, especially during puberty and pregnancy, medications that contain corticosteroids or oral contraceptive pills, or a diet high in refined sugars or carbohydrates, or stress.

What Causes Acne or Pimples?
Sometimes, acne or pimples are simply the results of a reaction to a cosmetic product. And yes, what you eat could be the culprit too. In addition, there is also a common notion that not drinking enough water can cause acne. While all this can aggravate the problem of acne, there are other factors.

1. Genetic
If one of your parents had acne, it is more likely that you will develop it sooner or later in life.

2. Hormonal
The sex hormones called androgen increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the follicular glands to enlarge and produce more sebum, which leads to acne. Many medical conditions can also induce a high androgen state. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives can also affect the production of sebum.

3. Drugs
Certain medications are known to have worsened acne. These include steroids and anticonvulsant medications.

4. Smoking
You know that smoking is harmful to your health, but did you know that it is also bad for the skin? With every cigarette that smokes, there is a decrease in the oxygen supply to the face. The smoke also irritates the skin causing it to produce more oil and possibly cause outbreaks. In addition to causing rashes on the face, the breakdown of collagen and elastin could open pores.

Tips to Get Rid of Pimples

While doing everything possible to avoid acne by following a good skin care regimen, using over-the-counter gels and acne creams, and still those zits manage to sneak in some way, you might want to take a look at your lifestyle and daily habits. These are some everyday practices that may be triggering your acne.

1. Touch your face often
While touching your face may or may not cause acne, it definitely makes it worse. In our daily routine, our hands come in contact with germs, bacteria, and dirt, which are then easily transferred to the face due to repetitive touch. This habit can trigger outbreaks and worsen pimples.

2. Follow an unhealthy diet
A balanced diet, consisting of minerals and essential nutrients, is not only good for your health, but also for your skin. Eating junk foods, carbohydrates and not eating on time can have adverse effects on the skin in the form of pimples and sprouts.

3. Stop stress
An important reason for acne is stress. When under pressure, the skin produces stress hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more testosterone, resulting in increased oil production and clogged pores.

4. Do not use the right hair products
The hair products you use daily, from your shampoo, conditioner to sprays, gels, etc. They contain products such as sulfates, silicone and other chemical agents that can be harmful to the skin and trigger acne.

5. Do not wash your face properly
It is important to use well-medicated cleansers twice a day, but strong cleaners and washing too often can make acne worse and look drier. Sleeping with makeup or not washing your face after a sweaty day, also results in an outbreak of acne.

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