Chinese Face Mapping: What Your Pimples Are Trying To Tell You

It turns out that blemishes on your face can mean different things about your health depending on where they are located. The pimple sitting on your nose is definitely telling you a different message about your health compared to the pimple found on your cheek.

Chinese Face Mapping is a study that is becoming more well known. It shows us that the skin issues found on different parts of your face tell you different stories about your body and your health. Both the location of the skin issue and the variations in size and form can tell you different things about what may be happening internally.

Where is your acne located?
Below is a generalized overview of the face mapping skin issue / acne-prone zones used in Chinese Face Mapping. Most of these zones are in pairs of two numbers (in sequence) taking up both sides of your face reflecting the same information about your health for both areas.

Zone 13: Stomach
A pimple erupting in the middle part of the chin reveals stomach problems or other digestive issues. Avoid processed foods to reduce your toxins. Herbal teas, particularly peppermint tea, offer a good boost for your stomach.

Zones 11 and 12: Hormones
Skin issues found on either side of your chin are one indication of hormonal changes in your body and/or stress. Many women find the break out in these zones right before or during their cycle. Adopt a healthy lifestyle where you reduce stress and get adequate sleep is key. Stress-management techniques are great if this is a problem area for you. Also, drink plenty of water and eat more leafy greens.

Zones 9 and 10: Respiratory system
The crest of the cheekbones is an acne-prone area manifesting respiratory issues due to allergies or smoking. If you are not a smoker or don’t have any allergies but still have pimples in this area, consider preventing your body from too much heat and get more exposure to fresh, clean air. You may have unseen toxins in your indoor air. Eat cooling (alkaline) foods  and avoid sugar. Alkaline foods include green leafy vegetables, garlic, onion, any color of peppers, avocado, kiwi fruit, and also try wheat grass juice.

Zones 7 and 8: Kidneys (same as Zones 4 and 5)
Pimples within the ear areas may signal even more issues with your kidneys. Aside from pimples, you may also see some redness in there or feel some heat or sometimes swelling. This is the time to cut back on drinking caffeinated drinks, alcohol or sodas. Hydrate with water instead and get plenty of sleep.

Zone 6: Cardiovascular
Acne at the tip of your nose reflects poor cardiovascular health. It may be wise to get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked, and also work out a healthy living plan to help reduce stress. This are can, however, also be caused by makeup buildup. Be sure you are cleaning your face well.

Zones 4 and 5: Kidneys
This region surrounding both your eyes indicates problems or lack of health in the kidneys. This doesn’t just include pimples or blemishes in this area but also the presence of dark circles. The solution to this is usually proper hydration. Drink up on more water, fresh juices or teas to improve your kidney function.

Zone 3: Liver
Acne or pimples right between the eyes is a sign you may have liver health issues. Reduce alcohol consumption as this could lead to cirrhosis. The presence of allergens too may be triggering your liver to fight off the toxins attacking your body. Do take note of the foods you are consuming during these types of of breakout. Doing some light exercises everyday also helps as well as getting adequate sleep.

Zones 1 and 2: Digestive system
Skin issues on either sides of your forehead reflect digestive issues. Change your diet and avoid heavily processed foods including white carbs. A great diet to reduce inflammation is a diet with little to no grains and dairy.  Increasing water intake is also recommended if skin issues are showing up in zones 1 and 2.

What does your acne look like?
You can also obtain information from the type of blemish on your face. Below is a list of some common physical appearances of different types of acnes and what they commonly mean.

1. Painful red acne (cystic or non-cystic)
Liver congestion or lymphatic congestion may be the issue here. If the skin around your blemish is oily, this reflects your liver’s inability or difficulty to breakdown fats. Increase intake of good fats and reduce unhealthy fats, such as hydrogenated oils.

2. Puberty
For young people, puberty can bring on acne frequently on the face, back and chest. This can, however, also suggest low zinc levels so eat up on more zinc-rich food sources especially seafood and also legumes.

3. Cyclical breakouts often at the jawline or near the jawline
This is common in women before menstruation or during ovulation, most especially in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome. It can also be accompanied by more oilier skin than usual which can indicates androgen hormone imbalance. Aside from blemishes on the face, some may also be on the back or the chest. In other cases, chin hair growth may also be present.

4. Dry skin with blotchy red patches
This is a sign of allergies. Address your current allergies or if you are not aware that you have allergies, get evaluated.

5. Blemishes around the nose and mouth
This indicates a presence of inflammation in your body, especially your digestive system. Possible causes can include food intolerances.

6. Small lumps under the skin around the jawline
This is generally a sign of either lymphatic congestion or systemic toxicity.

7. Blemishes on the cheeks
Pimples or blemishes in the cheek areas other than those defined in the Chinese Acne Map, relates to either excess fats in your diet or mucous producing foods such as refined sugars, grains, processed foods and dairy products. Avoid these foods and increase your intake of water and whole foods.

8. Red inflamed skin surrounding the breakout
This sign often indicates inflammation or heat retention due to toxic waste build-up or poor body detoxification.

9. Blackheads, whiteheads, or generally congested-looking skin
Often in patches, these generally appear in the nose, chin, forehead or other areas. They can indicate negative cosmetic effects or poor skin hygiene. Some faces simply get more clogged than others.

10. Pimples that appear as a rash with an uneven skin tone
This can be an indication of yeast and/or fungal infection like candida. It may also be a sign of a digestive disorder.


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