Here Are 9 Incredible Home Remedies That Can Help You Alleviate Cracked Heels!!!

Cracked heels are not something unusual these days. Many of you have heard about it, even more, have experienced or still experiencing this condition. While there are many things that may result in cracked heels, it is not considered to be something deadly. Usually, it is only the unaesthetic look that bothers, but there are cases when cracks are so deep that they really cause pain and discomfort.

Of course, with the development of modern medicine there are pharmaceutical means to treat this issue. But we are not going to advertise them, today we are going to talk about 9 home remedies that are very effective when it comes to dealing with cracked heels.

In case we have your attention let us begin

1 Rosewater & Glycerin

  • These two ingredients are very helpful when it comes to moisturizing.
  • That is why adding them to a foot soak is a great idea.
  • Only 20 minutes and some good scrubbing, and you are on a way to recovery.

2 Massage

  • Foot massage is always great.
  • Not only it can take your stress away and help you relax, but with the involvement of essential oils, it can help cracked heels heal.
  • All you need is to give yourself at least 10 minutes of massage, using mixture of almond, oil, sesame and coconut oils.

3 Fruit feet mask

  • Sounds weird but, in fact, it is a really effective way to sooth and soften your cracked heels.
  • A paste out of banana, avocado and coconut is the best for this purpose.
  • Only 15 minutes a day and your feet will become healthy in no time.

4 Milk & honey

  • This one is a pretty unusual, but very effective foot soak.
  • Just make sure you do not make milk very hot, warm it up just a little and mix well with honey.

5 Oatmeal & jojoba oil paste

  • Use oatmeal powder and jojoba oil to create thick paste.
  • Apply it over the affected area and leave it on for about 30 minutes.

6 Rice flour
If you are looking for a nice exfoliator there would be nothing better suiting the role than rice flour scrub.

7 Vinegar

  • Even tough vinegar if very effective, you should be careful enough as to directly put in onto your feet.
  • Use it only as an important ingredient of your foot soak.
  • Besides, do not forget about adding some oil to your foot soak with vinegar.

8 Homemade ointment

  • There is nothing better that a homemade ointment to help your cracked heel.
  • To make one you are going to need: one-fourth cup of shea butter, the same amount of coconut oil and magnesium flakes, 2 tablespoons of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of beeswax.
  • Apply it every time before going to bed.

9 Lemon

  • When you are fighting cracked heels you can either add lemon juice to your foot soak or use lemon while massaging your feet.
  • Either way is very effective.

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