The liver carries out vital functions in our body: it is responsible for detoxification, regulation of metabolism, blood purification, protein synthesis, assimilation of vitamins, etc. There are many factors and habits that jeopardize the health of this organ, therefore, there can be violations in its work and serious illness.
If the liver does not function properly, it negatively affects other organs and leads to disorders, diseases. The health of the liver can be substantially corrected and strengthened with the help of natural remedies and proper habits (a balanced diet, drinking of water, physical activity and regular detox-courses).
Experts recommend that you should drink at least 8 glasses of clean water per day to maintain liver health and to detox it.
In this article, we will tell you about 8 drinks that contribute to the natural cleansing of the liver and protect it from many diseases.
1. Jujube Fruit
It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. According to the content of vitamin C, jujube fruit is ahead of lemons.
It contains carotene, tocopherol, thiamine and riboflavin, flavonoids.
The use of jujube fruit helps to rejuvenate cells and cleanse the body of cholesterol, toxins, harmful metals, and excess fluid.
Furthermore, it tones up the nervous system, soothes and renders an anesthetic effect.
2. Lemon Water
Lemon is one of the fruits, especially rich in vitamins and minerals.
It also contains many antioxidants that not only purify the liver of toxins but also help it to recover quickly.
Do not forget that the liver can independently update itself and create new healthy cells, especially if it is helped, so with the help of a healthy diet and suitable treatment we can clean it.
3. Lotus Seed Core Tea
It has a laxative and purifying property not only of the liver but of the whole body.
It is also used in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases.
Lotus seed core tea can raise your vitality, and expand the blood vessels.
4. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile can be called a small flower with great possibilities.
Chamomile tea contains flavonoids, so, it has antibacterial action, therefore it helps to remove internal inflammations.
It relieves of cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, relieves pain with pyelonephritis, removes the effects of food poisoning and removes substances that poison the body.
Chamomile tea cleans the liver, so it is worth regularly drinking it for those who like fatty and heavy food, alcohol and often take medications.
This drink is a prophylactic, somewhat protective against cirrhosis of the liver.