Here Are 10 Tips to Strengthen Your Knees!!!

The knees are the largest joint in the human body and they support the body’s entire weight and provide stability and flexibility. If it weren’t for our knees we wouldn’t be able to stand, walk, crouch, run and jump with ease as we do it now. So it goes without saying that our knees need to be in optimal health so that we can function normally.

But unfortunately, knee problems are a very common issue nowadays, especially in older people, even though they can affect people of all ages. As we age or knees get weaker, which is a normal problem but still it’s one that affects our everyday life and our ability to move and conduct the most menial chores.

Here are a few pieces of advice on how to improve your knees’ mobility and flexibility without any special treatment and expensive creams, ointments and drugs:

Physical activity and knee strengthening exercises

  • Physical activity is crucial for strong and healthy knees. There are also some exercises which can strengthen them, keep your joints aligned and properly positioned and restore your flexibility. Some of the best exercises for this condition are lunges, hamstring stretches, step-ups, knee bends, single-leg squats, straight leg raises and so on.
  • Ask an expert on how to do these exercises correctly and perform them at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes a day. If you notice that the exercises you’re performing are causing discomfort and pain consult a professional to see if you’re doing the right exercises for your condition.


  • Massage therapy can also be very beneficial for your knees and alleviate the pain. Regular massage will strengthen your muscles and joints and improve your circulation.
  • You can use coconut oil or olive oil, warmed up a bit, to massage your knees gently in circular motions. Perform the massage every day for 10 to 15 minutes and if the pain is becoming chronic you might want to see a licensed massage therapist.
  • Swimming is an excellent exercise for those who suffer from arthritis or knee pain as it’s low-impact and promotes whole body movements. Swimming is good for your overall health but it’s also especially beneficial for knees and muscle strengthening and eliminating the stiffness.
  • It’s best if you swim at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week. The best styles for knee pain are the front crawl, butterfly and backstroke. Breaststroke puts pressure on the knees to avoid it.

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