Want To Get Rid Of Your White-Gray Hair For Good- There Is A Way!!!

The hair greying process was related to gradual aging and thus, it was common after the 40s. But now with the changes in the environment and other health-related aspects, the grey hairs become common among teenagers too. This is a matter of fact which we have to consider very seriously. It can happen to men and women at any age now. It is caused due to the change in melanin production which alters the color of the hair. The reason other than age behind the hair greying is stress, genetic issues, illness or improper nourishment.

There are many chemical products available in the market which claims to provide black hair. Some individuals choose to dye the hair with different colors which can damage the texture of the hair. Thus, it is always beneficial to go for a natural remedy to get back the original color of your hair.

Here is a simple recipe which will help you to turn back your hair to its original color.


  • Honey- 1 kg
  • Garlic- 3 cloves
  • Lemons- 4 (unpeeled)
  • Flaxseed oil- 200 ml

Preparation Method

  1. Take 3 cloves of garlic and cut it into thin slice.
  2. Cut down the lemons as well along with the peel into thin slice.
  3. Add flaxseed oil to honey to get a thick mixture.
  4. Now, add the mixture in a glass jar and add a slice of lemon as well as garlic to it.
  5. Mix all the ingredients to form a homogenous solution.
  6. Store the glass jar in the refrigerator.
  7. Consume 1 tbsp of this mixture twice every day before meals.

Other methods

  • Massage the scalp with cow milk butter, twice a week. Do it for 2-3 months
  • Include curry leaves together with coconut oil and heat up the blend. Strain it a while later, and let it cool.
  • Apply this blend to the scalp, and abandon it for a couple of minutes. Wash it off with cleanser and warm water
  • Include 1 tbsp. of yeast with 1 liter of yogurt. Ingest this blend by little dosages, preceding your dinners.
  • These are some simple methods you can try to regain the original color of your hair.
  • These remedies also help to reduce the hair fall and provides healthy hair.

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