This Is How You Can Make Blackhead Strips At Home!!!

The ingredients you will need for this cool trick are gelatin, milk and a makeup brush for application of the mixture. Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with a tablespoon of milk, or use any other measures with the notion that the ingredients’ ratio should be 1:1. this is in case you need a little more of this mixture for a greater face area.

Mix the ingredients very well and make sure that the gelatin is dissolved in the milk. FYI – you can also add some honey to this mixture if you want.

Heat the mixture in the microwave for about five to ten seconds. Then, after removing it from there, let is aside to cool down a little bit. Check its temperature before you apply it to your face. Make this check up on your hand for example, since if it is too hot it may burn your face. That is why you should wait until it is warm to touch.

Using the makeup brush, apply the mixture to your face, or just to the area(s) that you want to treat against blackheads and let it dry on your skin. To this end, you should wait at least ten minutes. You are supposed to make a nice, thin film on your face skin. You can apply as much as you like of this mixture, just make sure it is still somewhat liquid.

Once you notice that the mixture on your face is dry, do not take it off right away, but instead, wait for an additional five minutes so that it really sets around those blackheads. Then, slowly and gently peel the layer of the dried mixture off your face. Take a look at all that nastiness you have just pulled off your facial skin. Repeat if necessary.

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