The Simple Eye Test To Tell If Your Adrenals Are Fatigued & What To Do Immediately If They Are!!!

It seems in recent years being busy has become the rule rather than the exception. These days, people barely have the time to sit down and relax, due to the busy working, busy cleaning, busy socializing… Coping with your crazy busy lifestyle is difficult and you usually end up even more stressed.


  • Confusion when under pressure
  • Feeling cold constantly
  • Lightheadedness
  • Low sex drive
  • More sensitive to stress
  • Lower cognitive function
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Short temper


  • The iris is a protected internal organ of the eye, located behind the cornea and the aqueous humor, but in front of the lens.
  • Given the fact that it is a muscle, it is likely to stop working efficiently if you strain into the point of exhaustion.
  • It comprises tiny threads that contract and dilate the pupil in response to light and making your pupil contract, you are actually straining a muscle in your body.
  • This test can be used to detect adrenal fatigue because if you are experiencing it, your pupil will not be able to hold its contraction for more than 2 minutes.
  • Repeat the test once a month.


  • Dark Room
  • Weak flashlight or penlight
  • Stopwatch
  • Mirror

Preparation Method

  1. Sit in a dark room in form of a mirror for about a minute in order to allow your eyes to adjust
  2. Shine the flashlight/ penlight from the side of your head across one eye, but not directly into it. Keep the flashlight about six inches away from the face
  3. Continue shining the light across the eye and look in the mirror with the other eye.
  4. You are supposed to see the pupil contract right after the light hits the eye
  5. Time how long the contraction lasts with the help of a stopwatch
  6. If the pupil doesn’t hold the contraction for a long period, this is an early sign of adrenal fatigue.
  7. Given the fact that you will do the test on a monthly basis, you may find that it holds the contraction for a longer period, which indicates that you are recovering from adrenal fatigue.
  8. Still, the major sign of adrenal fatigue is no contraction of the pupil at all.
  9. If you have done multiple tests and find that your pupil is not contracting, or its contraction time is not increasing, then you are likely suffering from adrenal fatigue.


  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar or refined carbohydrates
  • Make sure to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean meat
  • Perform light to moderate exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga or tai chi
  • Avoid very stressful situations i.e. getting into arguments or altercations, working overtime, high workload
  • Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep

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