Can You Cure Your Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids) Naturally!!!?

Droopy eyelids are not just an appearance issue, they can affect and interfere with your normal eye function and cause a number of inconveniences. Modern medicine offers surgery as a solution to this problem but many people hesitate to go under the knife and continue their life struggling with this issue. Luckily for them, traditional medicine and Ayurveda offers some very effective, natural and un-invasive solutions for this problem. But before we go any further let’s look at what ptosis really means and why it happens.

Ptosis And How It Is Treated

  • National Institutes of Health says that the dropping of your upper eyelids or ptosis can happen due to aging, injury, diseases like diabetes, myasthenia gravis,
  • Horner syndrome, a stroke, a congenital defect, sties, or tumors.
  • As a result of some of the abovementioned conditions the muscle responsible for raising the eyelid gets weaker or the nerves controlling the muscle get damaged.
  • The doctors recommend a procedure called blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery to fix this condition.
  • Though ptosis is often associated with aging, children can develop the problem as well and in those cases, a prompt action is required to prevent lazy eye or damage to their vision. Still, children or adults, not everyone decides to go under the knife.
  • There are certain side-effects or complications which may arise as a result, like swelling and bruising for weeks following the procedure, over- or under-correction, infection, and poor contour creation during the surgery which could mean that a correctional surgery is required.
  • Luckily for everyone, alternative medicine offers some natural solutions which are far less risky and less invasive.

Homeopathy’s Easy Cures

  • Homeopathy offers a wide variety of remedies for ptosis, but the most effective one by far is the Gelsemium Sempervirens.
  • Derived from the yellow jasmine, it helps overcome the weakness associated with the condition that can blur your vision, causing you to “see double.”
  • The remedy also alleviates pain in the eyeball and giddiness. A complementary treatment is Plumbum metallicum.
  • A practitioner may also prescribe Syphilinum to treat paralysis of the eye muscles that occurs in someone with ptosis with neurogenic (nervous system origins) and myogenic (muscular origins) roots. It is usually given for a longer duration of time to heal the function of the body’s nervous system or muscles.
  • Another remedy your homeopathic doctor may suggest is the hemlock-based Conium maculatum which eases paralysis of your upper eyelids.
  • The remedy is also linked to treating old age-linked exhaustion of your cerebrospinal system.

Acupuncture For Treating Neuromuscular Problems

  • Acupuncture is yet another effective treatment for this condition which can be used for neuromuscular problems of the face.
  • According to one case study, the condition of a patient with midbrain infarction-linked ptosis improved from “poor” to “fair” after being treated with a combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Chamomile Tea Therapy

  • Ptosis which happens as a result of old age and sagging skin can effectively be treated with chamomile tea.
  • This simple remedy involves brewing some chamomile tea and drinking it to relieve inflammation, as well as applying the wet chamomile tea bags on your eyes to eliminate sagging.

Get Adequate Vitamin B12

  • If you want to boost your nervous system you need to ensure it gets all the needed essential nutrient.
  • The most important ones being vitamin B12 and folic acid, which play an important role in the central nervous system function.
  • The best sources for this vitamin are organ meats like liver and kidney as well as seafood like clams, oysters, mackerel, crab, and mussels.

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