Detox Your Body And Lose Weight Fast With Milk And Green Tea!

Every morning millions of people start their day with a cup of hot tea. Some with sugar, some without, some green, some black.They know that tea is beneficial, but not everyone knows about the qualities of green tea. Not many have heard of the tea diet, a diet with green tea and milk.

 Diet with green tea and milk.

Diet with milk and green tea (milktea) is the most popular among those who want to lose weight and maintain their weight afterwards. Milktea is not only tasty a beverage that does not create a sense of hunger, but is excellent for cleansing and detoxifying the whole body of toxins.

In one day with milk and green tea you can lose from 1 to 4 pounds of excess weight.

The diet with milktea is recommended to do for only one day, no more frequently than twice a month.

 Contraindications: intolerance to milk, kidney and gall bladder diseases and low blood pressure. If you have a chronic illness, consult your doctor.

The recipe for the milk and green tea diet

You will need: 1.5 liters of low-fat milk.

2 tablespoons real green tea

My recommendation is to get the real green tea in a healthy food shop, don’t use tea from teabags because it won’t have any effect.

In boiled and cooled milk to 70 degrees (this is important – the milk must not be warm, but hot), add 2 tablespoons of green tea. Cover and leave it for 20 minutes. Then strain and drink.

Drink one cup of milktea every 2 hours during the day.

Tea with milk is absorbed better, because tea makes it easier to digest the milk and milk lowers the effects of caffeine.

Meanwhile drink plain water.

You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, because milk and green tea is a strong diuretic and water controls the balance in the body.

You won’t feel hunger because Milktea frees the body from the hunger feeling.

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