Inner thigh fat is indicative of a caloric excess. This means that you have consumed more calories by eating and drinking than you’ve burned through exercise. According to the academic journal “Yale Scientific,” targeted weight loss is essentially a myth. When you exercise, you are burning fat calories from all across the body. So while you can do all kinds of toning exercises for your thighs, losing fat is a process your entire body will have to go through altogether. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests creating a calorie deficit to achieve fat loss.
Keeping Track of Your Calories
Use a food journal to record everything that you eat and drink for a week. Remember to write down both the specific kinds of food and the quantities consumed. After the week is up, plug the amounts and quantities into a food calculator to see how many calories you’ve consumed. You should also record the intensity and duration of any fat-burning activities you do during the week, and plug the values into a exercise calorie calculator. See Resources for one example of an exercise calorie calculator.
Creating a Calorie Deficit
After calculating your calorie totals for the week, subtract your total calories burned from your total calories consumed. If the resulting number is greater than zero, then you have a calorie excess. To create a calorie deficit, you will need to bring this number under zero. A calorie deficit means that you are burning more calories than you are taking in, causing your body to burn away some of your stored fat as fuel. Aerobic exercise, strength training and conscientious meal and snack choices can all help you achieve a calorie deficit.
Starting an Aerobic Exercise Routine
An aerobic exercise routine can help you burn away inner thigh fat. The Centers for Disease Control recommends at least 75 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week for adults. Activities such as jumping rope, swimming and running are considered vigorous aerobic exercise, while taking an easy bike ride or walking through the park are considered moderate aerobic exercises. Everyday activities, such as dancing, mowing the lawn and walking up and down stairs count as moderate aerobic exercise, too. To start losing fat, you may need to exceed the recommended minimum times.
Committing to a Strength-Training Regimen
Strength-training exercises are activities such as pushups, situps, pullups and lifting weights. Exercises of this type both build muscle and help to burn away fat. Newly defined thigh muscles will show after you have lost fat. The Centers for Disease Control recommends two strength-training sessions per week. For each exercise performed, do one to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions each. Gardening activities such as digging and hoeing weeds also count as strength-training workouts.
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